Project Description

Essentials about Governador Island in brief
The Ilha do Governador (Governador Island) is the first thing visitors to Rio de Janeiro usually get to see. This is because the 42-square-meter island in Guanabara Bay is home to Rio’s international airport – Antônio Carlos Jobim. The island is connected with Fundão Island and the mainland by two bridges. A considerable part of the residential area of the island is covered with favelas. However, there are also middle class residential areas.
The name “Governador Island”
The name of the island dates back to the 16th century, when a governor built a house on the island during the colonial period. The Cariocas (inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro) usually just call the island “Ilha” for short.
Guanabara Bay
Although Governador Island has a number of beaches, they were relatively unpopular for a long time due to the heavy pollution of Guanabara Bay. It was not until the 2016 Summer Olympics that the bay was cleaned up, leading to some improvement in beach and water quality.



Opening hours

Admission fees


Getting there
By public transport:
A large number of bus lines serve Governador Island and the International Airport of Rio de Janeiro.
By car:
On the Governador Island there are many parking possibilities.
Photos: Portal da Copa /Governo Federal Brasileiro / Daniel Basil, Riodejaneiro aerea aeroportogaleao-131756, CC BY 3.0 BR / Drmarcelodavid, Ilha do Fundão, CC BY-SA 4.0 / Gilberto Santa Rosa from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Final da Praia da Bica, CC BY 2.0
Texts: Individual pieces of content and information from Wikipedia DE and Wikipedia EN under the Creative-Commons-Lizenz Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
English version: Machine translation by DeepL